Sunday, March 24, 2013


So of course, its a Saturday night and I have nothing better to do than watch the Kids Choice Awards. haha Just kidding, I recorded it...but anyways. It occurred to me as I was watching it today that social networking has become a huge and indefinite part of our lives especially now with the younger generation. I was watching the award show and kept seeing these random people's pictures pop up on the main screen on stage. I didn't realize what they were until I saw the Twitter Feed throughout the bottom of the screen. This was a continuing thing throughout the night where kids could use the hashtag #KCA or #KidsChoiceAwards. It never said where the pictures were from on the screen but I assumed they were from Twitter. It literally amazed me that so many kids are using social media now a days. Kids were voting all throughout the week and tweeting pictures and its just crazy to think that seven year olds tweet. haha I mean what do they even tweet about.. "Mom made me a PB&J. #yes #loveher " They even created an app called Friendstofriends for voting that worked with and through Facebook. Entertainment Weekly tweeted a bunch of videos using Vine where they captured people getting slimed. I thought this was a great idea and very clever way for them to get a younger audience and new followers. I looked on social mention to see how much it was being talked about and to my surprise it was huge. They had 56% strength that it was being talked about on social networking sites, 53% reach, 131:0 sentiment, and 19% passion. These numbers were huge but I do think that the KCA's could have done a better job of promoting and getting the word out about their hashtag and tweeting though. Never once did Josh Duhamel say anything about hey kids go and tweet using #KCA's and it will pop up on the big screen. I think it could have been a lot more active and a lot bigger if they would have just kept mentioning it throughout the show. But overall great show!!!

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